Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

try out..

wahh.. hari ini aku try out..
aku try out. di SMP15 Semarang...
try out ini diselenggarakan oleh primagama tlogosari..
try out dimulai jam 8..
di sana, nggak ada temen sekolah ku..
karena, anak-anak yang ikut asalnya dari daerah situ..
di sana, aku nggak punya temen..
tapi, dari 750 anak aku dapet ranking ke 17 loh!!
waaw.. aku liat, klo g salah
matematika ku 8, berapa gitu..
bahasa indoneia 8,64..
IPA dapet 9!!
padahal aku kesusahan loh ipa nya..
hahaha.. aku eneng bgt!!
padahal tuh,aku semalem nggak belajar sama sekali..

jealous friend

phew.. tired..
hey my friends at school,i'm tired of you guys take care..
i do this, one.. i did that, too wrong..
so, what should i do?
i have i friend,
my friend that one person sassy,obnoxious,
get smart,beautiful ass,etc.
she was different class with me, my close friend said..
she annoyed me because i was pretty,smart,
and many are like me..
so, she is jelous of me..

Jumat, 18 Februari 2011

fun day, but it... hmph.

Friday ..
today I was school as usual ..

during mathematics lessons,
because I did not bring a book,
I was in command by the teacher to return to
house to pick up the book ..
t felt very tired ..

the lesson was over,
then before he left school,
because it Friday, there Friday prayers at the mosque ..
but in a special prayer for her son ..
so, I danteman of mine in class
and wait adzan dhuhur ..
before adzan dhuhur,
it was a long time...
waiting for call to prayer once I got bored ..

rampant confusion

are confused about what I wrote on this blog ..
but I want to fill with something new ..
what would I write?
I'm happy, many people from within the city,
as well as from overseas to visit my blog ..
thank you .. and thanks also to my friends,
monika yudesta .. although I knew he was not so
like me .. but still, he has a lot to help me ..
I wanted to write something about my friend,
but I'm afraid that if he protested ..
and he became angry at me ..
so, what should I do?